
A Bit of Me

Hello lovelies, my name is Deja.
From a very young age, I have developed a deep passion for writing, which I have always viewed as a powerful means of therapeutic relief and a wonderful escape to safe and imaginative places. Writing has served as my refuge, allowing me to explore different realms and express my innermost thoughts.
I consider myself quite the adventurer, fuelled by a love for travel, history, fantasy, and even the darker aspects of life that intrigue me. Throughout my life, I have had the privilege of traveling to various corners of the world, and I even served as a Gunner’s Mate in the United States Navy for a period. Eventually, I settled in Scotland, where I now live as an expat, embracing the rich culture and history of my surroundings.
Growing up, I was thoroughly enchanted by whimsical and fantastical, including classics like Beauty and the Beast, Interview with a Vampire, Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy, among others. It’s no surprise that my adoration for dark, beastly monsters has firmly taken root in my imagination, shaping my creative pursuits and interests.
In addition to my writing endeavours, I am also a proud single mother of two children. When I’m not busy spending quality time with my little ones, I find joy writing or diving into a good book, which bring me the happies in my daily life.